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How to Transfer Ownership of Google Adsense Account To a New Account (Gmail)

How to Transfer Google Adsense Account to a new account, previously I thank you for visiting. In this tutorial I will give a tutorial on how to transfer google adsense account to a new account (gmail).

Google Adsense is an advertising cooperation program, here we can earn money from the internet. If, we want to join Google Adsense. However, joining google adsense is not that easy. We must meet the eligibility requirements of adsense.

Here's how to transfer your Google Adsense account:

1. Sign in to google adsense  https://www.google.com/intl/id_id/adsense/start/  using a gmail account.

2. Once the login is successful, you must open the User management menu. For example, like the picture below:

How to Transfer Ownership of Google Adsense Account To a New Account (Gmail)

3. If it is already on the User Management page, please enter a new email that you want to invite to the google adsense account.

4. The next step if you have entered a new email, click "Invite Users". and will automatically appear a new email in the menu "Manage the shaker".  Please check, to become admin access.

5. Open your new email invited to google adsense earlier, and accept the invitation. Then, it will automatically change its account status to "Active". If it's like that, you can delete your old account, using a new one.

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